Build your own private network

We are experts at building, operating and providing end-to-end solutions for underserved areas. As Wi-Fi becomes more congested and less secure, organizations are often seeking robust wireless solutions. A private high speed broadband LTE solution allows our customers to operate their own network rather than sharing with other carrier’s customers, guests, or students.

Our Citizens Broadband Radio Systems (CBRS) enable private LTE networks in shared spectrum. Private CBRS LTE networks provide security, mobility, and compatibility with a wide variety of existing handsets. WorldCell’s hubbing capabilities enables enterprises, tribes, mobile network operators and governments to seamlessly interconnect within the private and public network spectrums - all while providing the necessary authentication and security. 

 The FCC has opened the CBRS spectrum band with up to 150 MHz of spectrum both shared and licensed allowing businesses to obtain the needed spectrum for a private LTE network. Let us help you get started.

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